
We hope you love everything you buy from Unahubs, but if for any reasons you are not entirely satisfied with your recent order(s), we will gladly accept returns of items that are in new condition, with original tags attached. Return items must not be washed, worn or altered– just return your item(s) to us within 7 days from the date you signed for the parcels. You can expect your refund in 7-14 days from the date we receive your returned item(s). 

Remind: After receive your packages, please take video and pictures when you open the boxes to get evidences, it will be easy to solve any problems. 

Incorrect Items

If you receive wrong items from us, please return it back to us – and we'll arrange for a replacement. We will cover a part  of reasonable and customary ground shipping fees. Returning application should be issued within 7 days from the date you received the orders. We will cover 1/2 reasonable and customary ground shipping fees.

Please note that we may not be required to provide a refund if you continue to use the goods after discovering the fault.

Exchanging orders

- We offer exchanging orders in 7 days you received, before they are washed, worn or altered. Extra price should be paid and credit price can be spent or refunded. You will cover reasonable cost issued by exchanging orders.

- After checking QC pictures without any problems. Customers want to refund for any reasons after receiving packages, you have to return the package to us, extra price should be paid and credit price can be spent or refunded by you. If the packages can go through the custom, we will refund 50-70% on the price you paid. 

Final Sale Orders and Other Unreturned Orders

All Final Sale merchandise cannot be returned.

Other Unreturned orders

1) Package is broken during shipping, but items are good (We will compensate you relevant losses).

2) Items are broken after using (Can be repaired, charges will be covered by you).

3) Items have been washed, worn or altered.

4) You received the items more than 7 days.

5) Package is blocked in customs ( In this case, depend on package's value, we can resend your package if you pay shipping fee or buy something to save our cost). 

Steps to return an online purchase by mail

1) Contact with customer service to apply for returning (Must contact before returning).

2) Pack your return in the original shipping package, if possible.

3) Include all original packaging and accessories. (We can process a return with a small deduction on your refund if all original packaging and accessories are missing.)

4) Send your return the address you confirmed from customer service.